Instead of using Shopify or Rapidweaver to build our website for our dress factory in Vietnam we decided to use Alibaba. We are pleasantly surprised how easy it is to configure and upload products. If you are selling wholesale then we strongly recommend creating a mini website on Alibaba.

Dress factory in Vietnam uses Alibaba mini site
Instead of using Shopify or Rapidweaver to build our website for our dress factory in Vietnam we decided to use Alibaba. We are pleasantly surprised how easy it is to configure and upload products. If you are selling wholesale then we strongly recommend creating a mini website on Alibaba. The cost is less than 1,500 USD.This video is the video we made for our Alibaba company profile. Here are some tips. Keep the video short: 30 seconds. Create the video with an aspect ration of 1:1. We recommend 320 x 320. When you save the video save as "low web quality." You are limited to 2.5 MB. Being real is more important than professional. Share basic information like company certifications, product strengths, current customers, and factory locations. This is what we did for our dress factory in Vietnam on Alibaba mini site.
We strive to be a well know dress factory in Vietnam. In addition to making dresses we manufacturer garments using circular knitted fabrics for men and children as well as ladies. We are a family owned sewing factory operating in Saigon since 2003.
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